Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Taking a break

For the longest time Facebook was a place where I could connect with folks I rarely see, and stay in touch with people in my congregation, and post pictures of my cats.  I played games on Facebook - annoying some of my friends until I learned how to keep the notifications to just game players.  I enjoyed the slices of funny and profound that I found on Facebook.  I found links to writings that informed my preaching and helped me in my quest to eat healthier foods. I have, sadly, had to block relatives who proudly posted white supremacist views.  But I found new family on Facebook, and even became a Fairy Godmother!

When I was at General Assembly last month so many people came up to me and told me how much they love my cats!  They told me that my cats bring them joy.  I loved that my four footed housemates had a ministry of joy all on their own (with a tiny bit of help from my iPhone camera.)  I love being able to add to the sum total of joy in the world with pics of my Feline Overlords.

I learn so many things on Facebook. I follow news stories and checked them against  I follow people who write posts that make a lot of sense to me, and whose opinions I value.   I have been exposed to news sources I hadn't previously encountered, some reliable, some not so much.   I keep discovering new theologians and preachers and I love all the new opportunities to learn.

But lately it seems like 3/4 of my feed is composed of arguments between friends that use no logic but only name calling and phrases like "everyone knows" instead of demonstrable data.  Alternate facts?  Fake news?

Today I can't take the hate anymore.  So I will take a Facebook break for a few days.  Or a week. Consider it a silent retreat.  Maybe next week I will feel stronger.  Or maybe the week after my vacation.  I'm not sure how long my break will be, but this one thing I do know.  I'll be back.  I can't stay away from all my friends and loved ones for very long.

May God's blessings of peace and serenity fall upon you all.

1 comment:

Marsha Staley said...

Hi Maria. Good for you. It will be hard but sounds like something you want to do. Hang in there!