Wednesday, July 22, 2020

One day at a time

Psalm 112:7 (CEB) 

They will not be frightened of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

I heard a social scientist interviewed the other day talking about the dangers of spending too many hours watching the news or scrolling on social media in times of troubles - like now.  When a crisis happens we tend to glue ourselves to the TV screen or other media outlet and watch obsessively, even when they are only repeating the same news over and again.  We did it after President Kennedy was shot and after 9/11, just to name a couple  The difference between those and our current situation is that those were finite events.  They happened and what followed was the response to the event.  

It’s been over four months of sheltering in place.  The coronavirus is not over.  We don’t know when it will be.  We don’t know when a treatment or a vaccine will be available.  We don’t have any idea how long we will have to live with social distancing and face masks and food deliveries and no hugs.  Science is discovering new things about the virus every day, changing what they thought they knew even just last week.  Living in constant stress and uncertainty is not healthy emotionally or physically, or spiritually.

The best thing we can do for ourselves right now is remember that God’s got this.  That’s not to say we can just go out and do whatever assuming that God won’t let us get sick.  We do need to use our brains, listen to the scientists, and keep ourselves safe.  But God is with us, holding on to us in our uncertainty.  God is with the scientists as they work frantically to find answers.  The best we can do right now is live life one day at a time and trust God to take care of the future.   We need not be frightened no matter how bad the news gets because no matter what, as long as we trust God, we will be ok.

Holy God, you are worthy of our love and our trust.  May our fear and uncertainty about the future be removed from us, so that we may live each day the best we know how, trusting that you are in charge.  Amen

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