Friday, July 17, 2020

A bag of tomatoes

Psalm 86:15-16

15 But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious,

    slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

16 Turn to me and be gracious to me;

    give your strength to your servant

Apparently I need to be reminded of God’s goodness this week, because that seems to be the theme in the daily scripture readings.  

That has always been my experience.  Whenever there is something I really need to hear and embrace, it is everywhere I look - assuming I am paying attention.  It’s kind of like getting a new car.  When I am driving in my new car suddenly I see cars just like it everywhere.  They have always been there.  I just wasn’t paying attention before.  

Right now I am seeing meditations on God’s goodness everywhere.  My daily readings are all about God’s goodness and mercy and steadfast love.  (There is also stuff about smiting my enemies, but the only enemy I can think of is the novel coronavirus, and God has set brilliant scientists all around the world to work on smiting that.  All I can do is pray for them as they work.) 

It might be hard to see God’s goodness at work in the world right now, what with the virus and wildfires and people all raging at the same time.  There are not enough doctors, nurses, firefighters, or supplies.  Millions of people are out of work, out of money, worried about eviction and food and medication.  Businesses are failing, deaths are rising . . .  Sometimes I just want to sit and weep.

Then I hear “Yoo Hoo!” at my front door, and it is a church member - masked and distanced - leaving a bag of tomatoes from her garden for me.  I know that acts of kindness like this are happening all over the world.  

And in this simple act I see God’s love and grace.  

Gracious and loving God, thank you for sending reminders of your love to my door.  May these reminders help me to show your love to others even as it has been shown to me.  Amen. 

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